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How to connect with OpenVPN on Mac OS X:
- Install Tunnelblick software: Double click on Tunnelblick installation file then double click on Tunnelblick icon to start the setup.

- Click “Open” to continue the installation

- Type your local username and password to allow Tunnelblick to be install.

- Click “Launch” to start Tunnelblick.

- Tunnelblick icon will appear on the top-right corner of your screen.

- Setup AIT VPN connection: Choose “I have configuration files”.

- Choose “OpenVPN Configuration(s)”

- Choose “Open Private Configuations Folder”

- Extract into “Configurations” folder. There will be 2 files (AIT.ASIA.ovpn and CA.pem).

- Click Tunnelblick icon > VPN Details

- Choose “Setting” and then click “Advanced”

- Choose “While Connected” then change the setting on “Search domain” from “Restart Connection” to “Ignore” and close the window.

- Start using VPN Connection: Click Tunnelblick icon and choose “Connect AIT.ASIA”.

- Type your local username and password to allow Tunnelblick to make changes on your computer.

- Type your AIT username and password then click “OK”.

- When the connection is successful, the icon will change from

- To disconnect from VPN, click on Tunnelblick icon then choose “Disconnect All (AIT.ASIA)”.